
I am steadfast in my belief that I can never win an argument with a person at the opposite end of a moral spectrum and with those on an entirely different intellectual plane.

To the doctors, laboring tirelessly in impossible conditions to care for your patients, I am always there for you. And I write so you can be heard.

33 responses to “About

  1. Hello Raj, what an insightful write up. I’m thankful for people like you who hope to expose the true reality of doctors in Malaysia. I’m stepping into final year shortly and even as a student in clinical training it’s been a while since I realized and experienced the dismal situation we’re in: too many doctors, not enough training, not enough training positions. It’s pretty disheartening. What can we do, we who are ‘victims’ of this malady? I really am at a loss at how to make better of this situation except to do my best and hope to disprove the whole ‘incompetent doctors’ belief. There is a certain truth to this belief but I know there are plenty of amazing and knowledgeable doctors out there, too, who are nothing short of inspiring. Just takes a few bad apples and viral rants about doctors on Facebook to ruin the picture.

    That aside, I love how expansive the subject of medicine can be. There’s always something new to look forward to, something new to learn. Medicine is incredibly fascinating. That said, I understand that stepping into the role of a fully accountable doctor role is a whole new ball game altogether. The politics, the HO ragging during ward rounds (med school orientations seem to pale in comparison!), the growing dread in your gut as you near the wards. I also know that being a student I would never truly be able to understand it all until I’m working.

    So I ask for your esteemed opinion, is there anything you wish you did in medical school that would’ve eased your transition to working life?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Ee Lin, thank you for your comments. I don’t believe there is anything I would have done differently in medical school but after you posed the question I gave it some serious consideration. Medicine is an art. If you take it solely as a science and of treating ailments and diseases you might miss the big picture. Practice talking and listening intently to your patients without being judgmental and with a generous dose of empathy. This is perhaps the only thing I wish I did more in medical school that would have helped my transition to working life. And practice taking a good history and examine your patients well! You will do great! God bless.


  2. Dr Raj, my name in the blogosphere is Dr Freeman and I help represent independent Malaysian medical authors on our website, stateofmedicine.org. If you would ever like to join our team of writers please find yourself welcomed with open arms. We run an ad – free website that is non profit and would like to share your wonderful insight and perspective to a greater audience who would seriously benefit from reading about your experiences.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great Blog! I have blogrolled you in the Malaysian Medical Resources here:

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Dr. Karthikesan, I enjoyed your blog article on “It’s the doctor’s fault” and I would like to republish it on Asian Scientist Magazine under Editorials. Please let me know if that will be possible. If you could provide me your email I would like to discuss further.

    Juliana Chan
    Editor-in-Chief, Asian Scientist Magazine

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great post! you articulated what doctors feel across the globe. I practice in the US. I saw your link on FB on the walls of two of my physicians friends. Keep writing!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Dharmaraj,

    I am on a quest to find the best information sources of the internet, and by a happy coincidence I found your great blog.

    I’m doing the quest because I’m building is a site which brings automated and personalized information to its users, the machine learns from interactions to curate each time more meaningful and customized info for each user.

    For this to work, I need two things: (1) great info sources like your blog and (2) starving readers wanting to discover the info.

    The reason I’m contacting you is because I’d be honored to have your feedback and to know what frustrates you with this kind of sites, I imagine you use them to find interesting info to create your content.

    In case you wanna give it a try, just go to: noosfeer.com

    You’ll find there my contact info in case you need anything.

    Thanks Dharmaraj, I hope we’ll keep in touch.


  7. Thank you for your comments. I don’t think I have ever felt the need beyond Google! And I write based on my experiences and that of other doctors.

    I will keep you updated if I have any suggestions. Thank you for your kind words. Cheers


  8. Thank you for writing. Your piece entitled “It’s the Doctor’s Fault” was extremely poignant and moving. I am a medical student in the US and already find that I sacrifice “me time” with friends and family to ensure that I can tend to all of my educational needs. I am already running myself ragged to ensure that in the future I can be the best doctor possible or my patients. I think this article was the final straw and I think with this, I will start thinking of myself as a patient too and make sure I’m good before I can go deal with everyone else. I can only hope more of my colleagues opt to do this and that we can become more well-balanced, healthy physicians. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Dr Dharmaraj,

    I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog, thanks to a FB share of your MH370 article. I love how you write with so much humour and honesty. Look forward to more from you 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  10. Dear Doc,
    Keep doing what you are doing, I too stumbled upon your blog after reading your piece on MH370 on FB. You inspire many in your profession and others such as I. God bless you 👍

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Kelly Kelapile

    Wow! What a profound remarkable writing. I stumbled across this on facebook and you really do speak for the doctors. I am a medical officer working in Botswana,studied in South Africa and totally relate to the experiences you describe. Keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hello Dr,

    I stumbled across your blog while browsing the internet. Your writings are immensely insightful to read.I’m not a doctor by profession, I’m actually here to speak my partner’s mind. She’s a MO attached to the medical dept in arguably one of the busiest hospitals in Klang Valley. She has been going through hardship at work recently,constantly finds herself difficult to cope with the workload and she isn’t really happy working in the medical dept as her interest is in aesthetics. She’s been mulling to quit the government to pursue her career in private hospital but at the same time, very worried of the current volatile Malaysian economy.I would greatly appreciate if you could share your opinion/suggestion on this. Thank you & have a good day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello there,

      Thank you for your comment. It’s very difficult to pursue a field when your heart and soul is not in it. Medicine and cardiology is a passion for me. Find a field and a space that is right for you. It’s hard enough being a doctor and you don’t need to go through your daily routine being tortured by your conscience. That’s the best advice I can give you and your wife. Hope I can be of help. Cheers.


  13. Can I just say a very simple reply, I have all three people in my family unit that are high medical and social maintenance. As. all our clinical team know! We have seen things as you describe first hand, but the greater things all the doctors, nurses and supports staff do have to be acknowledged and celebrated.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Your blog is a must-read for all the medics out there. It was lovely stumbling across it- and this is coming from a misanthropic, pessimistic doctor who is currently pursuing post grad, and who has been pining away for some optimism. I actually even considered leaving my profession! God speed. Would you please start writing again?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your comment. I have not stopped writing. I’m not the most prolific of writers. I write only when I have something important to say. But it’s heartening to know that my work has touched the lives of others. Cheers.


      • Thanks, and I hope you find a reason to write soon.

        I’m sorry if I may come across as an opportunistic pathogen at this point (I promise, it only just occurred to me), but can you also give me some advice about mrcp part 2? I’m giving it in June, God Willing, and I only just got though part 1 a few months ago in Jan. I happen to have 5 months of post house job experience (only, I’ve very recently graduated). And I’m freaking out. I was (semi) forced into giving it this early by my dad.

        I realise that it’s very awkward to be telling you all this on your about me :p but I have no other way to contact you. Sorry!

        Liked by 1 person

      • No worries. Passing Part 2a of MRCP should be less daunting than part 1 as you are already familiar with the style and structure of the exam. The part 2 a questions are more clinically orientated. The only way I know of passing is to consistently do the questions daily and repeat it multiple times before the exams. Attempt only if you are ready. All the best.


  15. Hi Dr Dharmaraj, just came across your blog and found your writing very inspiring and insightful. How can I get in touch with you?

    Liked by 1 person

  16. P. Rama Ramalingam ( Mr. ), California, USA

    Dear Dr. Dharmaraj ,
    Greetings from USA .
    I need your help to find my good friend — Dr. Dharmaraj in Malaysia .
    My name is P. Rama Ramalingam , living in California, USA . I am 70+ years old now .
    I had my friend Dharmaraj from Malaysia , who studied with me at Loyola College at Madras city / India in the 1950s for one year — in Preuniversity class. He was my room-mate also in the hostel for one year .
    He wanted to study in India for MBBS degree in a Medical College next —- before returning to Malaysia .
    After getting my Engineering degree in Madras, I settled in USA, worked for over 30 years as Engineering Professor in California, and now I am retired.
    Are you the friend that I am looking for ?
    If you are not, do you know the Dr. Dharmaraj in Malaysia that I am looking for ?
    Thank you very much for your assistance .
    Waiting for your e-reply .
    P. Rama Ramalingam , PhD, PE, CPIM
    Professor Emeritus
    California , USA


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